Mint-y Goodness

Peppermint has a wealth of phytonutrients that can enhance your overall health, as well as support your weight loss efforts. Peppermint is an incredibly versatile herb and one of the most widely-used herbs in the world. Peppermint oil simultaneously exerts energizing and calming effects.

Simply the scent of peppermint has been shown effective in not only reducing cravings and appetite but resulting in lower intake of calories as well. Studies on peppermint inhalation demonstrated not only consuming significantly fewer total calories following inhalation sessions, but fewer calories specifically from total fat, saturated fats, and sugars, as well. It is noteworthy that participants also rated their hunger levels as significantly lower compared to test subjects.

Peppermint is also loaded with catechins, the active ingredient in green tea demonstrated to reduce body weight. Evidence supports the anti-obesity effects of catechins, which have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. I use mint in cooking (fresh and dried), drink it as a tea, and use the essential oil daily for an energizing boost.

If you’re interested in learning more about this topic or more evidence-based tips for a healthy weight, you can read more about it in my book, “Eat the Cupcake, not the Cake.” Available @

I use Plant Therapy essential oils available @

and Yogi teas available @

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